Machine Listening Lab symposium 2018
On 29th March 2018 we held a Machine Listening Lab symposium to gather together people across the university who are doing work in machine listening.

The programme of talks included:
- Emmanouil Benetos (QMUL):
Machine listening for music and everyday sounds: the year ahead - Rob Lachlan (QMUL):
Learning about bird song learning via inference from population-level variation - Katerina Kosta (invited guest speaker):
Creating music at Jukedeck - Michael McLoughlin (QMUL):
Sea to Farm: Bioacoustics in Animal Behaviour and Welfare
Plus 12 lightning talks from students and postdocs, and from Rodrigo Schramm visiting from Brazil to update us on his work since spending time with us last year.

Thank you to everyone who took part!
(Funded by Dan Stowell EPSRC Research Fellowship EP/L020505/1)