Welcoming new Lecturer: Huy Phan
We’re pleased to welcome new Lecturer Huy Phan to our group!
Huy is a Lecturer in AI, and joined the C4DM in April this year. His interests are a great match to the Machine Listening Lab, and we look forward to working together (remotely and in person!). Huy says:
“I am a Lecturer in AI at C4DM. Before joining QMUL, I was a postdoctoral research assistant at the University of Oxford and a lecturer at the University of Kent. I received PhD degree from the University of Lübeck, Germany. I am interested in applying machine learning to temporal signal analysis and processing (e.g. audio, EEG).
“At C4DM, I hope to join force with colleagues and students to make contribution to multi-view, multi-task, privacy-preserving, and non-iid generalisation perspectives of machine learning algorithms. I will focus on applications like audio event detection and localisation, audio scene classification, speech enhancement, and healthcare.”