Machine Listening Lab at ICASSP 2025

On 6-11 April 2025, several Machine Listening Lab researchers will participate at the 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2025). ICASSP is the leading conference in the field of signal processing and the flagship event of the IEEE Signal Processing Society.
As in previous years, the Machine Listening Lab will have a strong presence at the conference, both in terms of numbers and overall impact. The below papers authored or co-authored by lab members will be presented at the main ICASSP track:
- Acoustic identification of individual animals with hierarchical contrastive learning, by Ines Nolasco, Ilyass Moummad, Dan Stowell, Emmanouil Benetos
- GraFPrint: a GNN-based approach for audio identification, by Aditya Bhattacharjee, Shubhr Singh, Emmanouil Benetos
- Guitar-TECHS: an electric guitar dataset covering techniques, musical excerpts, chords and scales using a diverse array of hardware, by Hegel Pedroza, Wallace Abreu, Ryan M. Corey, Iran R. Roman
- Learning music audio representations with limited data, by Christos Plachouras, Emmanouil Benetos, Johan Pauwels
- LHGNN: local-higher order graph neural networks for audio classification and tagging, by Shubhr Singh, Emmanouil Benetos, Huy Phan, Dan Stowell
The following paper accepted at the IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing ICASSP track will be presented at the conference:
- LC-Protonets: multi-label few-shot learning for world music audio tagging, by Charilaos Papaioannou, Emmanouil Benetos, Alexandros Potamianos
Finally, the following paper will be presented as part of the special session on 50 years of Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing:
- Twenty-five years of MIR research: achievements, practices, evaluations, and future challenges, by Geoffroy Peeters, Zafar Rafii, Magdalena Fuentes, Zhiyao Duan, Emmanouil Benetos, Juhan Nam, Yuki Mitsufuji
See you in Hyderabad!