
Current Research Funding

Online Speech Enhancement in Scenarios with Low Direct-to-Reverberant-Ratio
Dr Emmanouil Benetos (PI), Dr Aidan Hogg (CI)
L-Acoustics UK Ltd, £65,621, 2024-25

Project Maestro – AI music analysis platform
Dr Emmanouil Benetos (PI), Prof Simon Dixon (CI)
Innovate UK, £166,349 (QMUL), 2024-25

Fine-grained music source separation with deep learning models
Dr Lin Wang (PI), Prof Mark Sandler (CI)
Innovate UK, £146,494 (total), £48,144 (QMUL), 2024-25

Style classification of podcasts using audio
Dr Emmanouil Benetos (PI)
Spotify Ltd, £33,000, 2024-26

Music performance assessment and feedback
Prof Simon Dixon (PI), Dr Emmanouil Benetos (CI)
Industry R&D / contract research, £250,000, 2024-25

Cross-cultural relationships between speech and song
Dr Pat Savage (PI), Dr Emmanouil Benetos (AI), plus 4 others
Royal Society of New Zealand Marsden Fund Fast-Start Grant 22-VUW-078, 360,000 NZ$, 2023-25

UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence and Music
Prof Simon Dixon (PI), Dr Emmanouil Benetos (CI), plus CIs at QMUL (McPherson, Bryan-Kinns, Chew, Barthet, Fazekas)
EPSRC grant EP/S022694/1, £6,240,763, 2019-2027.

Recent Research Funding

Enhancing lyrics transcription with open-source architectures and fine-tuning techniques
Dr Emmanouil Benetos (PI)
Moises Systems Inc, £11,700, 2024

Resource-efficient machine listening
Dr Emmanouil Benetos (PI)
Royal Academy of Engineering / Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship LTRF2223-19-106, £52,455, 2023-24

Graph Neural Networks for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (GraphNEx)
Prof Andrea Cavallaro (QMUL PI), Dr Emmanouil Benetos (CI)
CHIST-ERA / EPSRC grant EP/V062107/1, £293,434, 2021-24

Deep learning technologies for multi-instrument automatic music transcription
Dr Emmanouil Benetos (PI), Prof. Simon Dixon (CI)
Huawei Technologies Düsseldorf, £252,000, 2022-23

Unsupervised detection of sound events for complex audio
Dr Emmanouil Benetos (PI), Dr Yanxiong Li (SCUT, CI)
Royal Society International Exchanges grant IEC\NSFC\201382, £3,800, 2021-23

New Frontiers in Music Information Processing (MIP-Frontiers)
Prof Simon Dixon (PI, coordinator), Prof Mark Sandler (CI), Dr Emmanouil Benetos (CI), plus 6 other partners
H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network, Grant No. 765068, €3,937,088 (total), €819,863 (QMUL), 2018-2022

Data-driven quality prediction for digitally restored audio archives
Dr Andrew Hines (PI, UCD), Dr Emmanouil Benetos (CI)
Science Foundation Ireland, Insight-SFI PhD Recruitment Scheme, €166,544, 2018-2021.

Towards complete music transcription: converting performance MIDI to quantized MIDI
Dr Emmanouil Benetos (PI)
Bytedance UK, £8,125, 2021

Automatic guitar tutoring prototype
Dr Emmanouil Benetos (PI)
Algorivm Ltd and QMUL EPSRC/STFC IAA Large Grants Competition Programme, £11,286, 2021

Development of next generation music recognition algorithm for content monitoring
Prof Simon Dixon (PI), Dr Emmanouil Benetos (CI)
Innovate UK grant 105516, £148,038, 2019-2021.

Machine Learning for Bird Song Learning
Dr Rob Lachlan (PI), Dr David Clayton (CI), Dr Dan Stowell (CI)
BBSRC Grant BB/R008736/1, £658,588, 2018-2021

Machine learning to analyse acoustic bird monitoring data
Dr Dan Stowell (Host PI), Akash Jaiswal (Visiting Research Student).
Newton-Bhabha Fund PhD Placement, £4,080, 2019.

A Machine Learning Framework for Audio Analysis and Retrieval
Dr Emmanouil Benetos (PI)
RAEng Research Fellowship RF/128, £404,471, 2015-2020

Integrating sound and context recognition for acoustic scene analysis
Dr Emmanouil Benetos (PI)
EPSRC Grant EP/R01891X/1, £97,839, 2018-2019
Dr Helen L. Bear (PI)
QMUL-EPSRC Flexible Innovation Starter Award, £4,717, 2018-19

Structured machine listening for soundscapes with multiple birds
Dr Dan Stowell
EPSRC Early Career Fellowship EP/L020505/1, £506,361, 2014-2019.

Engaging three user communities with applications and outcomes of computational music creativity
Dr Bob Sturm (PI) and Dr Oded Ben-Tal (CI, Kingston)
AHRC Grant AH/R004706/1, £70,990, 2017-2018

DaCaRyH (Data science for the study of calypso-rhythm through history)
Dr Bob Sturm (PI) and Dr Oded Ben-Tal (CI, Kingston)
AHRC Grant AH/N504531/1, £79,934, 2016-2017

Automatic transcription of polyphonic music recordings
Dr Emmanouil Benetos (PI) and Dr Rodrigo Schramm (CI, UFRGS, Brazil)
RAEng / Newton Research Collaboration Programme award NRCP1617/5/46, £23,759, 2016-2017

Dr Simon Dixon (PI) and Dr Emmanouil Benetos (CI)
DoReMIR Music Research AB, £77,445, 2015-2016